Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Unification of China 221 B.C.E
Grate Wall of China 220 B.C.E-220 B.C.E
Han Dynasty 202 B.C-220 A.D
Buddhism comes to China 206 B.C.E
Lao Zi and Taoism 475 B.C.E
Confucius 551 B.C.E- 479 B.C.E
Tang Dynasty 618-906 B.C.E
Sung Dynasty 906-1279 A.D
Mongols take China 1200 C.E
Zheng He 1371-1433 C.E

Unification of China 221B.C.E

Today I am talking to Shi Huangdi, and he is telling me all about how he helped unify china. He says he spent almost 20 years conquering most of the warring states, and then he built a strong Qin government. The Qin government worked very hard to conquer the other warring states but once it did Shi Huangdi established a harsh Legalist type of government, it was based on the teachings of Hanfeizi. Hanfeizi believed that the only way to rule was to have strict laws and enforce harsh punishments for crimes. He also established Feudism which required little interaction with neighboring states and or countries. I decided to build a great wall, said Shi Huangdi, so that I could keep my enemies out and my people in. When Shi Huangdi died in 206 B.C.E Gao Zu defeated enemy’s armies and founded the Han Dynasty which unified China even more.


  • World History Book
  • "Google Images." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <>.

Confucius 551 B.C.E-479 B.C.E

Today I am going to be talking about Confucius and how he founded Confuciusum. Confucius was born in Northwest china during the Chou Dynasty, but the Chou Dynasty was ending and there were horrible wars and mass excisions. So he wanted to think a way to stop it all, and he came up with the concept of Goodness, because if the ruler is good then the people will follow his example, he also believed that family was the foundation of society. Then Confucius gets a government job and he thinks that he can put his beliefs into his practice, but the government doesn’t like his ideas because he also encourages the people to point out the governments mistakes, so he is fired. And spends the rest of his life as a wondering teacher, but after he dies the Han Dynasty comes and they start to base there laws and such around his concepts, which are now known as Confuciusum. And ever since then Confuciusum has been a major religion in china.


  • Confucius Slideshow
  •  "Google Images." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <>.

Mongols Take China 1200 C.E

I remember when the Mongols first invaded china, they first invaded northern china and Genghis Kahn was there leader at the time, it took them 70 more years to conquer southern china, they had strict military rules, and demanded loyalty. And over time they gained control of the Silk Road. When they finally Conquered southern china it was 1279 C.E, and the Mongols were under the rule of Genghis Kahn's son; Kublai Kahn, and during his rule the Yuan Dynasty came to be. He made the Capital Beijing. He made it so that only Mongols could be in the military, no Chinese, but there weren’t enough Mongols because china was too big. Kubali extended the Grand Canal to Beijing, and because of this trade of rice and other foods became much easier. But when Kubali died in 1294 Zhu Yuanzhang had a rebel army and over powered the Mongols and pushed them back beyond the Great Wall. And this is all about how the Mongols invaded china.

  • Mongol slideshow

  •  "Google Images." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <>.
  • Lao Zi and Taoism 475 B.C.E


    Today I have met up with Lao Zi, who is known to be the father of Taoism, and he is telling me about it. Taoism first came about in the era of waring states. Taoism is 'the path', he says, and it focuses on nature, Harmony and balance, such as the yin and yang sign that is above, and everyone has there own destiny.
    And this is what Lao Zi taught me about Taoism.

    • "Taoism." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2010.
    • "Google Images." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <>.

    Tuesday, October 19, 2010

    The Great Wall of China 220 B.C.E-220 C.E

    I remember when the Great Wall of China was first constructed by China's first emperor; Qin Shi Huangdi. He wanted this wall built to keep the Enemies out, and the Chinese in. Over one million people worked on the wall, and over 1/5 of those people died while they constructed the wall, so they would just put the body's into the wall and the Great Wall had a guard tower every 7 thousand to 100 miles. By the time Qin Shi Huangdi died he had built 3,000 miles of the wall, but it is not finished. In 206 B.C.E Liu Bang, of the Han Dynasty, decides to extend the wall, but this time the guard towers are every 5 hundred feet. He also repaired the parts of the wall that were destroyed and or crumbling from past wars and invasions. in total the Great Wall extends around 6,000 miles. And this is what I remember about the Great Wall being built.


    Buddhism comes to China 206 B.C.E

    Today I am talking to Han Emperor Ming, and he is telling me about when Buddhism came to China. I had a dream, he said, Buddha appeared to me so the next day i had my guards to and look for this Buddha. They traveled down the Silk road and came across two monks with a picture of Buddha and Buddhist scriptures. The Guards invited the monks to go back with them and they showed me the picture of the Buddha and I told them that he was the Pearson in my dream, so I had them translate the Buddhist scriptures into Chinese. I had built them a temple called the 'White Horse Temple' so they had a place to stay while they translated the scripts. And this is how Buddhism came to be in china, and it is still a main religion here today.

    • "Buddhism Comes to China ." Buddhism Comes to China . N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <
    • "Google Images." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <>.