Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Great Wall of China 220 B.C.E-220 C.E

I remember when the Great Wall of China was first constructed by China's first emperor; Qin Shi Huangdi. He wanted this wall built to keep the Enemies out, and the Chinese in. Over one million people worked on the wall, and over 1/5 of those people died while they constructed the wall, so they would just put the body's into the wall and the Great Wall had a guard tower every 7 thousand to 100 miles. By the time Qin Shi Huangdi died he had built 3,000 miles of the wall, but it is not finished. In 206 B.C.E Liu Bang, of the Han Dynasty, decides to extend the wall, but this time the guard towers are every 5 hundred feet. He also repaired the parts of the wall that were destroyed and or crumbling from past wars and invasions. in total the Great Wall extends around 6,000 miles. And this is what I remember about the Great Wall being built.


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