Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Confucius 551 B.C.E-479 B.C.E

Today I am going to be talking about Confucius and how he founded Confuciusum. Confucius was born in Northwest china during the Chou Dynasty, but the Chou Dynasty was ending and there were horrible wars and mass excisions. So he wanted to think a way to stop it all, and he came up with the concept of Goodness, because if the ruler is good then the people will follow his example, he also believed that family was the foundation of society. Then Confucius gets a government job and he thinks that he can put his beliefs into his practice, but the government doesn’t like his ideas because he also encourages the people to point out the governments mistakes, so he is fired. And spends the rest of his life as a wondering teacher, but after he dies the Han Dynasty comes and they start to base there laws and such around his concepts, which are now known as Confuciusum. And ever since then Confuciusum has been a major religion in china.


  • Confucius Slideshow
  •  "Google Images." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <>.

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