Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mongols Take China 1200 C.E

I remember when the Mongols first invaded china, they first invaded northern china and Genghis Kahn was there leader at the time, it took them 70 more years to conquer southern china, they had strict military rules, and demanded loyalty. And over time they gained control of the Silk Road. When they finally Conquered southern china it was 1279 C.E, and the Mongols were under the rule of Genghis Kahn's son; Kublai Kahn, and during his rule the Yuan Dynasty came to be. He made the Capital Beijing. He made it so that only Mongols could be in the military, no Chinese, but there weren’t enough Mongols because china was too big. Kubali extended the Grand Canal to Beijing, and because of this trade of rice and other foods became much easier. But when Kubali died in 1294 Zhu Yuanzhang had a rebel army and over powered the Mongols and pushed them back beyond the Great Wall. And this is all about how the Mongols invaded china.

  • Mongol slideshow

  •  "Google Images." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <>.
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